Saturday, May 26, 2012

After a long night of packing and a busy day traveling, I am back in Haiti!

It's still surreal. But I am excited to get to catch up with the Jeanty family (that I stayed with last summer) and just be a student of the culture and the people I have the privilege of serving. I will be staying with their family before beginning my internship with World Wide Village Friday. Pastor Jeanty, his wife Dominique, Melissa and DJ are all incredible and I love every minute I have the chance to spend with them! :)

I am not sure how often I will post, but I figured I should go ahead and get one up and share the link. Excited for how the Lord will be glorified, reminded that I need Him every hour and every minute. The Lord sustained me today through very little sleep and Haitian heat...I am constantly humbled by His faithfulness.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8


  1. Yay! You made it! =) I knew you would. I am praying for you and reading your blog... so post as much as you can. I want to hear what God is up to in Haiti. Love you, girl.

  2. You should add a widget so that people can follow your blogs by e-mail notifications. =] That's what I do on my blog -
