Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens.
Your faithfulness, stretches to the skies.

Our God is faithful, even when it it isn't clear how He is working. Our God is faithful even when our emotions, and sometimes lack of, say otherwise. So much is different than I expected. You guys have no idea how many times I started a blog post and just couldn't finish. God has given me such a thankfulness and a peace tonight, a clarity of mind, and electricity which means internet! :) 

I don't understand where the Lord is sometimes in the midst of utter poverty. As I hear families tell that they depend on the Lord for their every bite, as I hear them share their stories about how they had a business in the market until they fell sick, using their savings for medicine and being left with nothing. As I hear countless families tell of how they have one meal a day at best...often cornmeal and rice. As I see children's bellies swollen from malnutrition, the sweetest faces empty with's hard. My heart breaks. I wish it was as simple as giving a few dollars or a loaf of bread. But where does that leave them tomorrow? Next week? If the beautiful nation of Haiti's poverty was simple, someone would have fixed it already. There are no easy solutions. Only daily relying on the Lord to love these precious, generous, strong people the best way I know how. 

There is a glimmer of hope in the eyes of children. Laughter that conquers hunger. Faith that overcomes fear of what tomorrow may bring. Utter reliance on the Lord. God is greater. Always.

Today was harder than yesterday. These stories left me they should. The 4 other interns and I are surveying a village called Williamson to try to understand the needs in the community. We cannot make any promises, but our goal is to help meet needs however we are able while still retaining the dignity and self sufficiency of the people. Right now the primary and most urgent need is water. There are two wells that have been dug about halfway but not completed due to increased price and lack of funds. If we could finish those wells, it could help the community tremendously. So we're just trying to see how we can do that or something else that is greatly needed.

We also go to two orphanages, FPCH (Future Promise for the Children of Haiti) and Tree of Life, throughout the week. We usually do a craft, pick up on a little Creole, and just be Jesus to these incredible children. There have also been a few different changes with staff on the ground in Haiti, so we are also working on rebuilding relationships and trust within the orphanages and communities.

It's super hot here, which comes as no surprise, but sometimes it's just plain exhausting. There were a couple days at the beginning where I wasn't feeling well due to the heat, but for the most part I'm perfectly healthy. Please pray for the nation of Haiti. Lift up our team. Pray for unity. Pray for the communities. The leaders. The children of Haiti. Pray that in some small way, these people would know that we love them. Many of them know the Lord, so pray that we might be Jesus to them in tangible ways. Pray for wisdom. Patience. Strength and endurance. Just pray that God might be glorified in our actions. 

I know this post is long overdue, but comments are always appreciated :) I also have a couple drafts from my week with the Jeanty family before my internship began, and I will finish those up soon.

I've been reading Acts and it's so encouraging to see the Lord's faithfulness. I love Acts 17:24-27 because it is such a reminder of how in control and yet how intimate He is.

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples  built by hands. And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

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