Thursday, June 7, 2012


When I see a need, my immediate response is to try to meet it. Whether a friend is having a bad day and needs a hug or some encouragement or you pass "tent city" and see people living with almost nothing...compassion is not compassion until it moves forward in action. So immediate action has its place. We were created to mourn with those who mourn, to lift each other up in encouragement and to meet the needs of those around us. We have been blessed to be a blessing. 

But we cannot expect to solve long-term problems in a short amount of time. I think first off as an American, there are so many assumptions we make, many times without even realizing we are making them. 

I have been so blessed to see a glimpse of what God is doing among the Haitian church. My heart is overflowing with thankfulness. Our God is an utterly awesome God. I got to sit down with Pastor Jeanty and just listen. God is doing incredible things among the leaders of the Haitian church. Every day I realize more and more how much I do not know, but I have been blessed to have been given fresh eyes with which to see the work that Pastor Jeanty, his wife Dominique, and so many other Haitian leaders are doing. I knew that Pastor Jeanty worked with the big picture and developing leaders, and I knew that Dominique worked with Compassion...but the scope of the network and how so many others are connected is just something that only God can do. Yesterday (Tuesday May 29th) I joined Pastor Jeanty at a conference about the Church and the Environment. 

In the US, we tend to think of the environment as tree huggers and recycling and "going green" and air pollution-- but at the end of the day it isn't really an issue. In Haiti, it's totally different. There is trash in the streets which affects health in numerous ways. It is especially bad when it rains. Trees are being cut down, which is a valid way for people to make money, the problem is it creates many more problems than the workers it employs. Trash travels down to the oceans, which kills the fish and thus affects the fishermen. In other words, problems with the environment affect different aspects of the poverty in Haiti as well as the country's ability to rebuild. The thing with Haiti is that it is gorgeous. The biodiversity, the beaches are paradise, and the mangoes are the best hands down. Haiti has so much to offer, but so much of it is limited because of the environment.

The conference talked about the responsibility of the Church to care for God's creation. But the thing that I was so blown away by was not the topic, but the way so many influential people of Haiti came together. God is at work in the Haitian Church, the Body of Christ, and it was so incredible and humbling to see. Every day in Haiti I realize how much I do not know, and I love it. My prayer is that the nation of Haiti continues to be built up in Christ. My prayer is that others may be encouraged as the Body of Christ in Haiti continues to come together in unity. May God be glorified.

I remember sitting in the office at Barnabas (the leadership office Pastor Jeanty is in charge of) and having a peace that surpasses all understanding. Mind you, I was writing receipts for a conference that had just been held. But at that moment, I knew I was exactly  where I needed to be. Office work may not be exciting, but it is vital. Just as missions as a vocation is not higher than any other work God calls us to, the daily faithfulness where God has placed us is exactly where we need to be. 

My time with the Jeanty family encouraged and lifted me up in so many ways. Pretty sure they blessed me way more than I was able to encourage them :) God is at work in that family. I was just thankful to be a part of it for a short time.

Melissa, DJ, Pastor Jeanty & Dominique, I thank my God every time I think of you. God is good and you guys are incredible. Love you.

I'm determined to blog more faithfully, so some posts may be short with just a few thoughts. Encouraged this morning by 1 Corinthians 1:26-27,29-31

Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the that no one may boast before Him. It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

Yesterday I was so discouraged by the poverty around me. But those that rely on the Lord every hour of the day, those that trust in Him constantly...will not God use that for His glory? Will God not reward them for their faithfulness? How often is their faith greater than mine. God is at work in the least of these. He will not abandon His Children.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear how things in Haiti are going. I will be praying that the two wells are completed and that solutions are found for the polution problem. I know God has great things in store for you. And I am excited to see what else He teaches you. I like what you said as you were filling out receipts. You have very good points about the vocational calling and how one is not better than the other. I will continue to pray for your health as well. And I look forward to future posts. :)
