Friday, June 15, 2012

Reflection, Joy, and Contentment.

Today is an office day. Which is a glorious thing. In actuality, an office day means we aren't going anywhere and while we have several things that need to be accomplished, I get to rest and reflect! 

I often feel like you can never get a sufficient amount of sleep in Haiti. I wake up a lot in the night, and sometimes a morning beginning at 6:30 feels more like 4 am. But this morning when the half asleep fog lifted and I wiped the sleepies from my eyes, I felt more rested than I have in awhile. So thankful. Today is a good day because no matter what the day does bring, the Lord is good & the Lord is faithful. 

I feel invigorated, joyful, and full of the Spirit of the Lord. I'm enjoying a slow morning where I can take a cold shower (which is actually a blessing in this Haitian heat), read His Word and just be thankful.

Last night was one of those nights where I missed the little things back home. I miss my family. I miss being a part of Stampede for the second year in a row. I miss the incredible friendships the Lord has blessed me with. I miss things like pineapple coconut Haagen Dazs ice cream and opening the pantry to an overwhelming array of choices. I miss cute clothes and wearing my hair down. I miss my mom's sweet tea and drinking water that doesn't taste like it's been treated. 

I miss those things, but at the same time, I am not discontent with where I am. I love it here. It's hard, exhausting, heartbreaking & frustrating at times, but I love it. I love children's laughter and seeing the joy they have with full bellies. I love that it is going to be nearly impossible to leave. I love that we have a team that yearns and fights for what is right. ...It is not fair that children die of totally preventable things. It is not fair that Martine has no income and has had everyone else give up on her. But yet, she still shows up every day and cares for those kids the best she can.

I have mentioned before that every day in Haiti I realize more and more how much I do not know. But not only that, but little by little I am learning to make the most of every moment I have here. We cannot meet all of these overwhelming needs. We cannot feed every malnourished child in Haiti or give every person clean water. But we can meet one need. We can love one child. We can empower one person. ...And that's been head knowledge, but each day it echoes more and more in my heart.

The tap-taps here in Haiti are often covered in phrases like "Merci Jesus" or "Help me Father" in Creole. And sometimes they have verse references. One verse that I have seen repeatedly is Exodus 14:14.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. 

In the Ampified version, it includes remaining at rest. Isn't that beautiful? When we are empty and exhausted, when we cannot meet every need, when we are about ready to give up...the Lord who created the universe and knows our every thought fights for us. If I love the children at Tree of Life and FPCH and my heart breaks when they are sick, how much more does the One who created them love them? How much more is the One who knit together their very being broken at injustice and hunger? 

God is present. God is at work. God is moving. God is fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. God does not abandon His children. 

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, supported me, and lifted me up in prayer. I know I have more to catch up on in detail, but here are some pieces of what Our God is teaching me.

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